Common cold

What doctors say*

* Official guidelines from NICE, NHS and other medical authorities.

Should antibiotics be used? >

No. Colds and other viral infections do not respond to antibiotics.

Likely duration if untreated >

3-8 days.

Conventional selfcare advice >

  • Keep warm
  • Drink adequate fluids

Opportunities for antibiotic alternatives >

In almost all cases

Traditional home remedies worth trying


Knowledge and best practice in the health field are constantly changing.  Each person and illness is also unique and no general information can anticipate every circumstance, nor be appropriate for every reader. Each individual case is best assessed in person by a qualified health advisor.

In the case of remedies or other products, users should read the label carefully for detailed information about safe use and in the case of natural products should choose responsible manufacturers with independently assured quality standards and safety monitoring procedures.

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